The main sign of a starter failure is a non-starting engine when the starter rotates hard and slowly or does not turn at all. When you try to start the engine, you may hear metal friction sounds or even smoke. Remember that each of your memorable trips was primarily due to the good performance of your vehicle’s starter. In modern cars and trucks, the starter is attached to the rear of the engine, to the gearbox. The starter gears are connected t

On cold winter mornings, it is often possible to call for help from neighbors or friends with a request to help start the car. We can get into this situation ourselves. Ignition wires are becoming the most common solution to this problem. But how to use them so that help does not become an additional problem?
After a cold night, it is usually tried to revive a car that does not start in two ways - by pulling a tow rope or with special starting w

Šiuolaikiniuose automobiliuose naudojami elektriniai starteriai, varomi nuolatinės srovės, gaunamos iš akumuliatoriaus. Variklio paleidimo metu starteris privalo turėti momentinę jėgą ir įsukti variklio alkūninį veleną iki tam tikro greičio tam, kad variklis užsivestu. Reikia prisiminti, kad starteris, variklio paleidimo metu ima iš akumuliatoriaus didelės elektros srovės kiekį nuo 200 iki 600 A ir daugiau, per trumpą laiko tarpą. Dėl to tinkama
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Global sales of electric cars are growing at a fast pace. There are many reasons why electric cars have become so popular, and a continuous reduction in prices is one of them. Tesla electric cars are becoming more and more affordable – the American manufacturer cut down the price on the most trendy models (Model 3, Model S, and Model X), except for a brand-new Model Y.
However, some people still remain wary of electric cars, and with a good rea

We conduct the course on diagnostics and maintenance of starters, alternators and voltage regulators in the territory of our enterprise. You get into real conditions of manufacturing, repair and maintenance. You visit our warehouses, department of car units recovering; department of components washing, soldering and turning works, electric department. The main part of the course will take place in our training class where you are given theoretica