- Akumulatori
- Akumulatoru apkopes aprīkojums
- Meklēt pēc transportlīdzekļa
- VW
- Starteri
- Startera daļas
- Piedziņas daļas
- Startera lauka spoles
- Startera bukses
- Startera apskavas ar lauka spolēm
- Startera suku turētāji
- Armatūras
- Startera suku komplekti
- Startera d.e. kronšteini
- Startera ārējie pārvadi
- Startera piedziņas
- Startera planetārie pārvadi
- Startera solenoīdi
- Startera sviras
- Startera spoles solenoīdiem
- Startera gumijas blīve
- Startera fiksēti kontakti solenoīdiem
- Startera planetārie pārvadi daļas
- Startera virzuļi solenoīdiem
- Citas startera daļas
- Startera vāki solenoīdiem
- Startera c.e. kronšteini
- Gultņi / startera/
- Ģeneratori
- Ģeneratora daļas
- Ģeneratora rotori
- Ģeneratora vakuma sūkņi
- Ģeneratora statori
- Ģeneratoru skriemeļi
- Ģeneratora strāvas taisngrieži
- Ģeneratora brīva riteņa skriemeļi
- Ģeneratora regulators + taisngriežiu komplekts
- Ģeneratoru regulatori
- Ģeneratora slīdēšanas gredzeni
- Ģeneratora suku komplekti
- Ģeneratora suku turētāji
- Gultņi
- Gultņu vāki
- Citas Ģeneratora daļas
- Sazināties ar mums
- Fan brush set
- Citas daļas
- Parazitārie skriemeļi
- Ģeneratora josta
- Spriegotājrullītis
- Starteri: PD-10, DT-20, MTZ, T-40, T-25, T-16, JUMZ, PAZ, AMCODOR, ZIL-5301
- Ģeneratori: MTZ, KAMAZ, MAZ, T-40, T-25, T-16, URSUS, ZETOR
- Job\'s startera daļas
- Job\'s Ģeneratora daļas
- Kondicionieri gultņi
- DC motori
- Regulatori DC dzinējs
- Skava
- Stends uz diagnostiku
- Stends testēšana starteriem un ģeneratoriem MSG EQUIPMENT
- Kontaktu metināšanas iekārta, aprīkojums
- Conditioner diagnostics, testing equipment
- Stendai amortizatorių testavimui ir remontui
- Stendai stabdžių suportų testavimui ir remontui
- Stendai vairo kolonėlių, siurblių diagnostikai ir remontui
- Duslintuvų kietųjų dalelių filtrų (DPF) plovimo stendas
- Elektromobilių diagnostikos įranga
- Generatorių remontas
- Starterių remontas
top rated
Drive / 1006209661
1006209661 / BOSCHProduct features:
Starter drives
No. teeth [ qty ]
No. splines [ qty ]
I.D. [ mm ]
O.D. 1 [ mm ]
O.D. 2 [ mm ]
L. [ mm ]
L.2 [ mm ]
21,00 €
daily deal
Valdiklis elektrinių vairo kolonėlių ir elektrohidraulinių siurblių diagnostikai / MS561
12V stendas vairo sistemos išplovimui ir diagnostikai * / MS603N
Startera daļas
Generatorių remontas
Ģeneratora daļas
Starterių remontas
Ģeneratora josta
Parazitārie skriemeļi
Starteri: PD-10, DT-20, MTZ, T-40, T-25, T-16,...
Ģeneratori: MTZ, KAMAZ, MAZ, T-40, T-25, T-16,...
Job's startera daļas
Job's Ģeneratora daļas
Kondicionieri gultņi
Citas daļas
Regulatori DC dzinējs
DC motori
<p>Naujas. Mazgui suteikiama gamintojo kokybės garantija.</p> -
Fan brush set
<p>Naujas. Mazgui suteikiama gamintojo kokybės garantija.</p> -
Stends uz diagnostiku
Akumulatoru apkopes aprīkojums
<p>NOCO BOOST GB SĒRIJAS STARTERI – BOOSTERI</p><p>• NOCO GB sērijas starteri ir kompakti, taču jaudīgi akumulatoru starteri vieglajām automašīnām,</p><p>kravas automašīnām un pat smagākiem transportlīdzekļiem.</p><p>• Ir aprīkots ar uzlabotu aizsardzību, tostarp īssavienojuma, pārslodzes un apgrieztās polaritātes aizsardzību, lai nodrošinātu drošu darbību</p><p>izmantot.</p><p>• Tam ir ilgs kalpošanas laiks, un akumulatoru var iedarbināt vairākas reizes, pirms tas ir jāuzlādē.</p><p>• Pateicoties kompaktajam dizainam un nelielajam svaram, tie viegli iekļaujas automašīnas bagāžniekā vai cimdu nodalījumā, nodrošinot ātru palīdzību uz ceļa</p><p>jebkuros apstākļos. Šī ierīce darbojas arī kā pārnēsājama barošanas banka ar USB portiem, kas nodrošina uzlādi</p><p>mobilajām ierīcēm.</p><p>• Manuālais ignorēšanas režīms gadījumiem, kad akumulatora spriegums ir mazāks par 2 voltiem.</p><p>NOCO BOOST GBX SĒRIJAS STARTERI – BOOSTERI</p><p>• NOCO GBX sērijas lādētāji ir uzlaboti akumulatora starteri, kas izstrādāti, lai efektīvi un droši iedarbinātu dažādus transportlīdzekļus.</p><p>instrumentu akumulators.</p><p>• Šīs sērijas ierīcēm ir raksturīga augsta veiktspēja, kas spēj iedarbināt pat lielus benzīna un dīzeļdzinējus.</p><p>• GBX sērijai ir uzlabota UltraSafe 2.0 tehnoloģija ar aizsardzību pret dzirkstelēm, īssavienojumiem un apgrieztu polaritāti,</p><p>nodrošinot drošu lietošanu.</p><p>• Pateicoties kompaktajam dizainam un nelielajam svaram, tie viegli iekļaujas automašīnas bagāžniekā vai cimdu nodalījumā, nodrošinot ātru palīdzību uz ceļa</p><p>jebkuros apstākļos. Šī ierīce darbojas arī kā pārnēsājama barošanas banka ar USB portiem, kas nodrošina uzlādi</p><p>mobilajām ierīcēm.</p><p>• Manuālais ignorēšanas režīms gadījumiem, kad akumulatora spriegums ir mazāks par 2 voltiem</p> -
Meklēt pēc transportlīdzekļa
Izvēlieties automobili:
Tiek attēloti 6108 produkti.
Aktīvie filtri
Starter * / RNLM0T21371
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.70 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
65.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
6.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
10 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
2 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T20672
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
77.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
10.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
8 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
2 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T20972
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
65.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
5.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
10 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
2 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T21571
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
70.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
29.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
8 |
No./teeth (fits into) [ qty. ] |
8 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
2 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T22571
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
75.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
5.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
8 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
2 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T24072
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size B [ mm ] |
9.50 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
10 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
0 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starrter * / RNLM0T31671
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.10 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
75.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
25.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
10 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
0 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T32171
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.00 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
70.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
19.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
10 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
4 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
4 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T33071ZM
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.00 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
70.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
28.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
8 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
1 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T33271
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size B [ mm ] |
22.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
11 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
0 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T33871
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.20 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
64.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
11.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
12 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
3 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
1 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T33872
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.20 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
64.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
10.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
12 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
3 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
1 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T35471
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
75.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
31.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
12 |
No./teeth (fits into) [ qty. ] |
12 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
0 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T35771
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
68.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
29.50 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
12 |
No./teeth (fits into) [ qty. ] |
12 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
3 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
0 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T36971
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.10 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
70.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
29.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
8 |
No./teeth (fits into) [ qty. ] |
8 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
1 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T37471
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size B [ mm ] |
21.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
11 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
0 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T38471
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
75.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
31.50 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
12 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
0 |
ac Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T38971
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.30 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
70.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
28.50 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
11 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
2 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter* / RNLM0T39071
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
70.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
27.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
10 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
1 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T39471
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
76.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
26.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
11 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
3 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
3 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T39571ZC
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
70.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
15.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
13 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
2 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T39671
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
74.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
7.50 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
11 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
1 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T39971
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
1.40 |
Rotation |
CW |
Size A [ mm ] |
68.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
21.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
13 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
0 |
Delivery 3-5 working days
Starter * / RNLM0T40371
Voltage [ V ] |
12 |
Power [ kW ] |
0.90 |
Rotation |
Size A [ mm ] |
82.00 |
Size B [ mm ] |
39.00 |
No./teeth [ qty. ] |
7 |
No./mount. holes [ qty. ] |
2 |
No./mount. holes with thread [ qty. ] |
0 |
Delivery 3-5 working days